Monday, August 15, 2011

Monday.... Day 1 of wedding week

The first day of "Wedding Week" is almost over and done with. It was an excellent day!

Day 1 just happened to be Bruce's birthday. Amber, Dustin, and Amy were all able to make it here for a birthday supper. They, along with Granny, the boys, Bruce and I spent the late afternooon and well into the evening on the patio. No cooking tonight! Casey's pizza and paper plates was the order of the night! We had oooooey-goooooey chocolate cake, too! Then, just to prove how "wild" and "hardcore" partiers we were, we broke out the board games..... GASP!.... right there in the back yard! What ever will the neighbors think??!!! : )

At one table we had a rousing game of Scrabble going. At another table there was Quelf going on and making us all laugh! (Granny had to run across the way a couple of times to fulfill the action card that she drew!) At one point during the Quelf game, Amber had the game box in her shirt, Jonah had one hand on his head and was sitting on the other hand, Granny had on a green, sprarkling necktie, and I'm just not even sure what Jordan was doing!

I'm pretty sure that the neighbors are wondering what/who in the world has invaded the block.... but we had the best time! The weather is just gorgeous and there was no need to play those games inside! Awesome, awesome day!

Now, I'm the only one still up here. I can't sleep. Jojo, the kitten, is sleeping on my lap, and everyone else is either in bed.... if they are human.... or snoozing in a comfy place.... if they are of the critter variety. I think I'm on a sugar high from the frosting on that cake! Well, that and my mind is running over stuff for the rest of the week.

So, Day 1 is in the books and we are starting off in awesome fashion! The wedding dress got the very last, final fix-it today. Granny's dress was also finished up. We are on a roll and we're gonna keep right on a rollin' right up to wedding day! Gonna be a great ride!

1 comment:

  1. This is surprising! Before yesterday you hadn't posted in a while and since this IS the wedding week I didn't think you'd have time! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BRUCE!
    These words are some of the first Scripture ever written. What comfort these words give! Praying!
    Job 19:25-27 For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth: And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God: Whom I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behold, and not another; though my reins be consumed within me.
