Friday, July 15, 2011

Ramblings from "Tonia"

Since I've been working for a doctor, and answering the phones, I've learned that people automatically assume that the person who answers the phone should have the answers to whatever the problem is. It's not really frustrating. In fact, it can get to be quite amusing, not to mention a major learning experience! It has also made me think of how I act when I call to make an appointment somewhere. Do I jump the gun and tell the person who answers the phone every detail about what is wrong with whatever or whom ever I'm calling about? I know that I learned who to ask for and what to say when I was dealing with so many doctors. When it was myself. When I'd have to call for one of the boys and it was a rather urgent thing, I'd probably plow right into details with that poor person that answered the phone. Now, I know who to ask for to get the best results when I'm calling for them also.

But... isn't there always that But!... I guess that I still overreact when calling to make appointments at times. Here's today's overreaction:

Last weekend a cute, little kitten showed up at our house. She is still here and her name is now JoJo. Up until yesterday she was the normal kitten, chasing Buddy's tail, climbing the furniture, running around the house, and sleeping in bed with us. She seemed as healthy as a kitten could be.

Yesterday morning we got up and she was sleeping on the pillows in our bed. And, she didn't want to wake up or get up. We finally got her to move enough to see that she was favoring her right front leg. We carried her to the litter box, where she did her duty. We left her upstairs, wanting to see if she would walk at all and she did make it downstairs, but she complained all the way. However, once she got to the bottom of the stairs, she wouldn't go any further. She will eat, drink, and use the litter box if I pick her up and take her to the correct area, but she won't venture there herself.

Yesterday, we had to go to Iowa City for a trip to the VA clinics for Bruce. By the time we got home late yesterday afternoon, JoJo was favoring the left front leg. She was putting weight on the right one, the one that had been the problem in the morning, but now was not putting weight on the left one. She would again eat, drink and use the litter box, if we took her to those places, but not go there on her own. If we left her somewhere, she would eventually make her way to us and just curl up beside or on us and stay right there. She meows if you touch the left leg.

Last night I put her in the pet carrier at bed time. For her own protection mainly. She basically has not moved all night. When I opened the door this morning, she didn't move, didn't come out at all. So, before I even carried her anywhere, I called the vet. Before hours. Kind of panicky. Worrying about this kitten.

And, when I called the vet, and got an actual person on the line (I was expecting a machine) I launched right into the whole story of JoJo and what was wrong. I didn't ask if the person on the phone could help me or if I needed to call back later. I simply gushed information to this person who was listening. She had to ask me my name 3 times, how to spell my last name, and I think that, for some reason, she still thinks that my first name is Tonia! (I have no idea how in the world she got Tonia out of Dawn, but that's the way it is.)

So, after my whole, long story about this poor kitten, and the whole name fiasco, it boiled down to she saying, "So, what you're basically saying is that the kitten can't walk and isn't acting normal?" It took 15 minutes of my rambling and rushing my words to get to that point. And I still don't know who the poor lady was that answered my frantic call!

Anyhooo.... Jojo and I will be at the vet at 11:30 this morning. I'm so hoping that there is nothing seriously wrong with her. She's only been here a few days, but she's become a part of us all. Even Taltos has gotten to the point of accepting her. Now we have to help her out some more and see what is wrong. I will let you know what we find out.

There are no pictures of JoJo. My camera will be having a very low-key funeral when the trash man makes his next visit. I will have to keep my eyes open and start looking for a good replacement. Amber's wedding is just over a month away and there are lots of happenings associated with that between now and then. I need me a camera!!!!!!!

Have a super great day. Dawn... or Tonia!.... signing off! : )

1 comment:

  1. You tell a story like that and don't come back on here and let everyone know what you found out?! Is the kitty okay or not?
    Praying right now to the One who is with you always!
    Hebrews 12:1-2 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
