Friday, May 20, 2011

What can I say??? I was doing sooo good about posting on here fairly regularly. Sigh. Do I have a good excuse? Ummmmm.... No. No, I don't. No excuse for not posting. I apologize. : )

It's late Friday afternoon here. It's raining. Pouring actually. The boys are happily shut in the gameroom upstairs, with a couple of rented video games. They have frozen pizza at their disposal whenever they get hungry. (I sure am glad that they can cook simple stuff themselves now!) Taltos and Buddy and I are here in the recliner, while Chester is lying on the carpet in the hallway, looking quite comfy. Bruce is watching tv. I have little to none ambition at the moment. It's Friday! Work is done for the week. I got some flowers planted into pots on the front porch today. I worked. I went shopping. Now I'm ready to just veg out tonight. : )

Not a whole lot new has been going on here this week, or lately at all. School will soon be out and the boys will be heading to Oregon with my mom, Amy, and Chris for a short vacation. Megan will be graduating from highschool so they will all be there for the festivities. I'm guessing that the summer will go too darn fast again, like they seem to do these days. Come August we'll be neck deep in the final preparations for Amber's wedding. Whoot!!!! I'm sooo looking forward to that event!!! I could get used to a wedding a year in the family. Of course, I'm not sure my family will all go for that one!

I know this is short and probably not so sweet, but that's about all I've got right now. Tomorrow I'll try to take some nifty new pictures around somewhere and have a much livelier post for the next time! Thanks for stopping by!

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