Thursday, April 7, 2011

Long week

I am having a horrible time with this thing today! It's like one giant run-on paragraph and I can't get it to change! It just is what it is, I guess. It's been one of those weeks. Monday, after work, Mom and I went up to Amber's to help with wedding stuff. We tied ribbons on 300 little bubble holders. I got to decorate the flower girl's basket and the ring bearer's pillow, and the flower girl was there. I got her approval! I took some awesome pictures while we were up there. Only problem is that my memory card wasn't in my camera. The awesome pictures that I took are still on my camera, because I cannot find the computer cord for my camera to download them directly to the puter. Sigh. I should have known then that it was going to be "one of those weeks". *** Tuesday, ya know, I don't remember a single thing about Tuesday. Nothing. I'm guessing that I went to work, came home, did "stuff", and survived until Wednesday. I hope that I don't find next week that I totally messed something up on a Tuesday that I don't remember! *** Yesterday (gosh it sure seems that it should be Wednesday of next week. Even with forgetting a day, this has been an awfully long week!) my wonderful boss and his wife took us all out for lunch. We close at noon on Wednesday, so we were able to have a nice, long lunch, with good company and an terrific view of the river. Then, Jonah had to go to the doctor. (I am darn tired of spending so much time in doctors offices!) This was a follow up visit to his last bout with strep. They swabbed his throat and will culture it, trying to see if he is a carrier of strep. If so, it's off to the ENT we go and talk about taking those nasty tonsils out. We won't find the results out for that until probably next Tues. It's a 48 hour culture, which means it might or might not be ready on Friday. The doctor is gone next Monday, so we are probably looking at Tues. As long as no one here actually gets sick between now and then, I'm good with that. *** Today. Let's see, I go off to work here in a little bit. Have I mentioned that I really like my job? Well, I do! This afternoon I have a meeting. That might be it. Hmmmmm...... maybe my week is going so slowly because I'm not doing enough!!! *** Tomorrow the boys will go to their dad's after school and be gone for the weekend. Saturday is a bridal shower for Amber. Wow! It truly does seem like I should be doing more than this. Oh well, I'm sure I'll survive this awfully long week. I mean, I haven't done anything silly or stupid or harmful. I haven't locked myself in or out of anywhere. It's just been a boring, normal, dragging on week. Hmmmmm..... I may have to see what I can do to liven things up! : ) UPdate: Amber has reserved the Party Bus for tomorrow night after her bridal shower. Several friends, relatives will be here from out of town, so there will be a large gathering. After the day I've had today, well, I'm going! I won't last the whole night, but I want to go and dance and sing and act a weee bit silly with my kiddos! I'm going to have to find a ride home from Ft. Madison, or take along my own DD, since I truly doubt if the party bus will bring me all the way back to Keokuk!!!! Sometime I might even tell you about my day today, but probably not until a lot more days that I have to get through have been gotten through. Thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

  1. Found out if I write too much it won't post and will disappear into never-neverland...
    Praying hard right now!
    Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
    Prayer Bears
    My email address
