Sunday, March 13, 2011

Look!!! The grill is all put together! I started it outside yesterday, with Mom helping. But, it was windy out there and we weren't in the sun, so it was a bit chilly. Decided that, since we weren't going to be using the grill yesterday anyway, it could wait. So, we moved it inside our house.

This morning, while Jordan was still away from his sleep over last night, Jonah and I finished putting it all together! Yeah!!! There were a few oooopps.... how could there not be with me putting it together! : ) However, it is all ok in the end! All parts were used, correctly, as far as I can tell. I guess the true testing point will be when we hook up a propane tank and turn it on! Might have to make sure it's far away from the house or car when we first fire it up! heheee

Buddy hopped up on the couch, with his newest toy, to watch us with the grill putting together event. Pretty smart dog, I think. He could sit up there and do his doggy laughing, while keeping himself and his toy safe from tools and parts, and any falling objects that might happen. Just sayin... there were a few things that fell during the whold process. However, it doesn't matter how we got to the point of the final, fully functional (we hope!) grill. What matters is that we got there!

Buddy was very engrossed in our progress, or lack thereof, depending on what was happening at the moment!

This afternoon Mom, Jonah, and I went to McNamaras Band's annual St. Patrick's Day concert. I played with that band, which has been around here for 59 years, when I was in highschool. Back when I was in it, it was pretty rambuncious and rowdy. The band consisted of a conductor who was deaf, and anyone who could pick up an instrument and play. We only played the same songs all of the time. Irish songs. Lively and loudly and full of fun! The one St Pat's concert that I remember playing in, I just remember being up on the stage. I do remember going to the Knight's of Columbus hall after the concert. It was really rowdy and lively in there! There weren't very many of us in the band that were as young as I was. It was mainly older men. How I even got in there I don't remember! I didn't stay long at the after concert party. Just wasn't my thing to do. But, I do remember riding home and it was snowing (of course it was, I was involved!) and I felt like it had been a night to remember. And, I guess it was, since I still remember it today.

That band has polished up a lot since back then. The conductor wore a white tux with a green shirt and cumberbun. The emcee also was dressed up. There was a patriotic theme to the concert today and vocalists, too. One part that hasn't changed is that during the concert, they turn the house lights up and have a sing-a-long part. With the words printed in the bulletins, we all sang things like, "When Irish Eyes are Smiling" and Tooraloora-loora. And the venue hadn't changed. The Grand Theater. Seems smaller to me than it did way back then. It's a theater in the old fashioned sense. With a balcony. And carvings on the end seats on the aisles.

I've been on that stage. I've been to movies there. The Grand Theater and McNamara's Band are two Keokuk staples. I, for one, are quite glad that they are both still here.

1 comment:

  1. Warn me when you're going to use the grill so I can say a few prayers!
    Wow! Buddy looks a lot different when he's looking at the camera with those crazy eyes as opposed to looking the other way. He's one handsome boy!
    Continuing to pray!
    Psalms 91:14-15 Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name. He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him.
    Prayer Bears
    My email address
