Thursday, April 21, 2011

Old Man River and Mother Nature

That boat, the Geo. M. Verity is sitting on land. It's supposed to be sitting on land. On purpose. It's an actual paddle wheel boat that has been landlocked and converted into a museum. That body of water behind that boat is the Mississippi as it rolls past Keokuk. Once I've seen flood waters high enough to surround that boat with water.

This is on the other side of the Geo. M. Verity musesum. That is the bridge across the Mississippi at Keokuk. Notice how the bridge gets lower the closer it gets to the other side of the river? When the water gets high enough, and it occassionally does get high enough, the bridge closes, causing issues for people who need to travel across that bridge.

Those posts and that rail are where the top of the bank of the Mississippi usually is. Back in the day there was ac actual stone wall right there. Spent a whole lotta hours sitting on that wall, in the sunshine, watching the Mississippi go by and spending time with friends. Now, as you can see, Old Man River has joined with Mother Nature and has decided that since it's supposed to be Spring, it must be flood time. Flood season is just beginning. We are all hoping that it won't be the worst, or even close to, the worst we've seen.

Now, I'm sure that little river gull, sitting on a stick in the water doesn't seem like a big deal. Unless you know that the bird and the stick and the water are in a parking lot!

Another parking area along the river, below the lock and dam, at Keokuk. There used to be a marker at this spot of how high the water got in the record flood of 1993, (which was many, many feet higher than this) but its gone now. Probably got washed away in the floods of 2008!

Hmmmmm..... I think I'll find a better place to park, thanks anyway!

I think I'll also find a different place to sit! I'm pretty sure that river water is quite cold and I have no desire to dangle my toes in it today.

Back at the kinda wall in Victory Park. For those of you who aren't around this area, that is Illinois over there on the far side of the water.

And this folks is how I'm getting around town these days. Look at that! It's a magic ignition! No key needed to turn it on and get the car going. heheee. The broken part of the key is still in there. I use the little stubby part, stick it in there, line it up with the broken part and wiggle it until it turns and the car turns on. Then, the stubby little part of the key on my keyring falls out of the ignition. So, it just looks like I have a magic ignition! Hopefully my spare key will be here soon and the magical locksmith can then remove the broken portion of my key from the ignition, making the driving portion of my life a weeee bit easier.

The river is still rising, along with all of the tributary rivers pouring into Big Daddy River. Keokuk itself, as far as houses, rarely floods. The majority of the town is above the lock and dam, where flooding rarely occurs, or high on bluffs, out of harm's way. However, there are industries and some houses that are prone to flooding. It's part of life on the Mississippi, part of life along all rivers I'm sure.

Here, we're in watch and wait mode. Watching the clouds and the forecast and the water. Waiting to see how high Old Man River and Mother Nature combine to make things go this year.

I'm also waiting to see how long I can manage to keep starting my car with two broken parts of a key. Stay tuned! : )


  1. Only you get the car to start with half a key! Hope the flood waters don't come anywhere near you!
    Christ died and rose again that we might have hope! Praying!
    1 Corinthians 15:3-4 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:

  2. Didn't mention that I love that seagull pic! I love seagulls!
    We have hope because He is risen! Always praying!
    Job 19:25-27 For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth: And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God: Whom I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behold, and not another; though my reins be consumed within me.

  3. Hope you had a good Easter! Always concerned about you when you don't write! Always praying hard! Psalms 59:16-17 But I will sing of thy power; yea, I will sing aloud of thy mercy in the morning: for thou hast been my defence and refuge in the day of my trouble. Unto thee, O my strength, will I sing: for God is my defence, and the God of my mercy.
