Sunday, March 8, 2015

Leave it to me...

Leave it to me to agree to work the first weekend in eons that it warms up into the 60's.  Stuck inside all day and too tired to enjoy it when I get home.

Leave it to me, in the same vein of thought, to agree to work the weekend of the darn time change, when we lost an hour of sleep.  See above thought about being tired....

Leave it to me.

So.........  I came home and sat down to eat my first meal of the day... yes, after work... it was too busy at work to take time to eat.  Anyway, I ate and thought about how much I would really, really like to take a nap.  I put on some pj pants and a bleach-stained sweatshirt (You would think that I was ready for a trip to Hell wouldn't you.  "Hell" in this house means WalMart).  I could literally hear my bed and pillows and blankets calling me to come snuggle up and catch some zzzzz's.  (Hmmmm.. maybe not literally).   But, after me working the weekend,  and having teenagers in and out of the house all weekend, there were dishes in the sink, laundry to do, and so on.  Sigh.   I loaded the dishwasher, started some laundry.  And then... I vacuumed and shampooed the carpet in the downstairs hallway.   Then the teenagers started coming home again and now it's too late to take a nap.  There is so much to do!!!!

Those darn house cleaning fairies that were supposed to show up way back during my cancer treatment days never have found their way to my house!  I can only hope that whoever's house they are hanging out at are enjoying their services!  :)   If you see them, please remind them that they were supposed to be at my beck and call about 8 years ago!  They owe me big time!  I would have time for a nap if they were here.  Sigh.

Anyhow,  the weather has warmed up, even tho I'm not out enjoying it.  Work is good and I like all of my jobs.  The house work.. eh.. it will get done.  Or not.  As for a nap, I will just go to bed early.  I am good at that!


Leave it to me if you want to, but ..... Life is busy and so am I.  You can leave it to me.  Just be warned that if you do, it might not get done!   

1 comment:

  1. I can guarantee you that they're not coming here, either. There must be a clean house somewhere, but....I sure don't know where!
