I didn't say anything at work this morning to make my co-workers stop dead in their tracks, look at each other with that "did she really just say that" look on their faces, and then laugh uproariously until the good doc comes to find out what we are laughing at. It happens though. Quite frequently, I'm afraid. Unfortunately, my memory decided that we needed some space in our relationship quite some time ago, so I don't remember as many of those nifty sayings as I should, but I remember a few of them. Since I need something to try to get my mind (and probably your's too) off the brutal cold, the piles of snow, and the biting wind, I'm going to share a few of those OH! so jaw-droppingly awesome "Dawnisms". Enjoy.
Since I work in a doctor's office, we have pharmaceutical representatives who come to visit us quite often. They stop in the talk to the good doc about medications, drop off some samples, and occasionally they bring us lunch. (Yum!) After seeing the same folks drop by our little office couple of times a week or so, we get to be fairly friendly with them. However, I probably crossed the line when a very nice gentleman came into the office and stopped at my window, to let me know that he was there. He gave me his business card, so that I could give it to the good doc, and then mentioned that he was going to use the restroom. My desk was piled with "stuff" and I was busy. Without even thinking, after he said... "I'm going to use the restroom"... I said "Have a good time". And then I froze, trying to not burst out laughing before he got into the restroom and out of earshot of my laughter. I turned around, half mortified and half greatly entertained, to see that one of my co-workers had her head in her arms on her desk and her shoulder's were shaking as she tried not to make noise laughing. The other coworker was shaking her head and saying "I can't believe you just said that!"... and laughing. We did manage to (sort of) compose ourselves before the nice gentleman emerged from the restroom. But we still laugh at the one.
A couple of weeks ago we were discussing something horribly important, I'm sure, at work. I don't remember at all what the whole conversation was about, but I am sure that it was highly intelligent and worldy. (HA!) I managed to stop the conversation with the oh so wise saying of "Well you can't outlive dying". Let me tell you, that stopped them in their tracks! One of the co-workers said, "Did she really just say what I think she said?" And then the darn laughter started up again. (My one poor co-worker spends a lot of time with her head on her desk.)
Of course, at our family gathering after that conversation at work, I brought up the fact that, yes, I actually made the very profound statement that "You can't out live dying". For some reason, that lead to a whole nother conversation, and more laughter, resulting in me deciding that that statement is to be on my tombstone. In fact, I think it should be the family motto! Go me! :)
Then there was the time, with a previous co-worker, where the conversation got a little racy. We actually were discussing the old, historic buildings in Keokuk (or maybe we were discussing the old 4 Corner's, I'm not sure which for sure). The previous co-worker was much younger than myself and silly crafting co-worker. We were discussing that some of the old buildings used to have brothel's in them. Silly crafting co-worker and I were discussing about how unique some of those buildings were and that there are still buildings in Keokuk today that were brothels or had brothels' in them. Poor younger co-worker had no clue what we were taking about. She finally asked what a brothel was. We tried explaining, but we weren't getting through to her. Just as the good doc walked around the corner and into the office area, I blurted out, "It's a whorehouse!" The good doc didn't bat an eye or miss a step, but the co-workers were sent into fits of laughter, I was mortified (again) and silly co worker was compelled to try to explain the whole situation to the good doc. Poor man never cracked a smile. (I'm sure he worries about us often).
We laugh.. a lot.. at the good doc's office. We are a little bitty office, just the three of us and the doc. We truly do work, but goodness we do laugh a lot, too. Laughter is the best medicine, right? Now you have a sample of how things go when you work with Dawn. It sure isn't boring, that's for sure!
I love you! Love that you can make others laugh. Love that you can laugh, too. We really need to get together!