Tuesday, April 19, 2011


That. That lovely, broken key is how my day started. Well, how my day trying to leave the property started! I woke up to my alarm, which to me is late. My alarm is just a back up. I almost always am awake before the alarm goes off. So, on days like today, I feel "late" when the alarm wakes me up. (Don't tell me to set the alarm earlier. Wouldn't work. I'd still detest waking up to the alarm!)

Then, it was downstairs, in my pj's and a massive case of bedhead hair. The dogs just couldn't wait to go outside. Out into the rain we went. My bare toes got muddy and wet, but the rain did manage to calm the bedhead just a weee bit.

Boys up, fed, and out the door in 30 minutes. 30 minutes after that, I was locking doors and heading out myself. Diet Pepsi in hand, umbrella on my arm, and a hoodie. Out to the car in the rain I went. Got in my car, stuck the key in the ingition and turned. Nothing. I turned again. Still nothing. I took the key out to try inserting it again. Only a portion of the key came out. Good grief!!!

Back out into the rain I go. I got my purse and the umbrella, but the darn Diet Pepsi got left behind. Across the way I went. Pounding on the back screen door at my mom's. It was locked. And she wasn't answering. And I was standing in the rain. (Nope, sure didn't have the umbrella open.) Around the house to the front door, and the covered porch I went. Then, she answered the door. (And wanted to know how come I didn't go to the back door!) Thankfully, she was dressed and ready to head out herself, so she was my taxi to work.

After work, Taxi Mom picked me up and brought me home. Out to the car I went, with a flashlight and a pair of tweezers. And ya know what..... I couldn't get the broken key part out of the ignition. But! I did stick the other half of the broken key into the ignition and, after a few attempts, was able to get the car stared. Off to the locksmith we went.

Mr Locksmith looked at my broken key and said, "You've got a problem." Ya think??? (Yes, that is sarcasm, in case you were wondering.) He said that he can get the broken part of the key out, however, since my spare key is still in Bode, and since the car was startable, kinda, I should leave it as is until the spare key gets here. Andrea up in Bode has my spare car key. Why you ask?? Well, when she was living with me, her car wasn't very reliable. So, if she had to go out of town for something, she took my car. I had keys to her car and she had keys to mine. Guess what... we still have each other's keys, only we now live 6 hrs apart. And, she has a new car.

Hopefully my key is in the mail. Hopefully my car will start in the morning so that I can get to work without having to call on Taxi Mom. Hopefully Mr. Locksmith will be able to help with my problem when I do get the key in the mail. And hopefully he won't charge me too darn much for his work. At least I can take the car to him and he doesn't have to make a road trip. Sigh.

I'm feeling, well, frazzled tonight. A lot frazzled. The car thing was just kind of one of those final straw things. It's probably a good thing that it happened when I was going to work. If I had spent the next several hours at home after that event, I probably would have spent my time crying and having a glorious pity party.

As it was, I went to work. (Mom did laugh pretty much from the time I showed her my key until, well, for a while! I'm sure I'll think it's funny sometime down the road.) I was busy and didn't get to dwell on my frazzle-ness. After work, Taxi Mom took me to Subway for lunch and then home, where I was able to get the car started. By the time all of that was done, the urge to bawl my eyes out was past. The frazzle-ness, on the otherhand, is sticking around.

So, if you see me wandering around, looking quite frazzled, please just point me towards home, or call Taxi Mom to come and get me. And it wouldn't hurt to give me a piece of chocolate and perhaps a bottle of wine, too!

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